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For this next project I am going to be creating an NHS creative video to improve young people’s health through diet post lockdown. They want us to do a media campaign that is very effective and useful this is on food and exercise and how they impact on lifestyle. They have asked us to make a humorous and uplifting viral video to be released on their website and social media. The project is going to be aimed at 16-20 year olds. We’re going to be researching healthy food and why is it important for peoples health and why it affects them in a positive way. As far as other research is concerned I will need to look up audio sounds at home or at pacific locations. Finally I will have to research the use of Foley and why it is important by looking at tutorials. 

A good viral video is when it gets lots of views and share it together globally and then become addicted to the videos.

A video can be described as viral as it could be funny, it is recognisable and people just love it. Further on it is shared on social media and beyond the internet.


The viral videos are ones that people relate to, and move them in emotionally in some way. 

Pixelizations are very good because they are used in editing people, objects and places by using stop motion frame by frame. In this way it is similar to animation the way the person moves. Here our some examples down below, 

Examples Of some pixelization and Foley sound videos.

This example shows us that our subjects are real people and the technique involved in this pixelization. The Stop Motion uses various speeds and the locations changes every time. There is funny music which affects the pixelization sounding like a comic rift. Also The music makes it hilarious showing the boys lining up together and doing body actions. The actions have synchronised within the comical music. This makes the actions look very chaotic, funny and entertaining.  On the Target Dreaming Girl advert it is the same principle at work similar to the stop motion advert however the environment has all been created by other objects such as scarves, pillows and sheets. The music is very joyful and up beat. It is timed very well within the frame movements. 

The technique in this video is slightly different because this is an example of reversed stop motion footage where the pain leaves the woman's body and disappears. This shows us creative stop motion but there isn't much. However isn't much humour in this video there 

In this video there is a some sort of pattern between the musicians moved in the lines in the music video like a rainbow. The movement is pixelized between the normal footage and the edited footage in a comical way.

Foley is different sound types used in various films and tv programs. You can use it at home by using different materials used in the kitchen, the beach and college. However you can also edit the sounds using different media software programs which are very useful. 

This video was very interesting because this showed an Irish actress doing some Foley sounds such as using horse shoes in a sand box showing how the horse gallops in the sand or on the grass. Also In the video she was also showing how bones break using celery.

I liked these videos a lot because this was showing how the game Battlefield V got there game sounds by using real life planes and going out to Lapland to film some V1 rocket sounds using a motor ski and a massive boost of fire at the back of the machine. Further on when they were using the plane sounds it was last surviving American and Japanese WW2 planes. Dice have shown that they don't just have to find any old computer sound of any plane they were being very realistic. 


Reflection Log


Today I we started a new Project which is called Viral Video. We did a lot of research on how pixelization and viral videos are very effective and become creative. Further on I found it interesting when looking into what Foley sounds is and why it is important. However we could have looked at more viral videos in more depth to see what it is about. 


Today we tried out some Foley sounds by doing this it was our own sounds we got got from home and college and anywhere else we went really. The sounds were very accurate  with beams of noises reflecting the room. However we could have had done the sounds on the computer.


Today we watched an interesting  documentary film on how cinematic sound is made within the film industry. This showed us how film is made with amazing technology since the 60s, the 70s and the present day. However we could have watched other documentary's on YouTube which could have been easier.


Today I was making my plan for my viral video advert based on healthy living. We had to work from home today so we had to come up with our own ideas but we did communicate virtually and talked about what we are going to do.


Today were back in the green screen room filming our viral video after when we have done this we are going to edit our own. However there were some problems we needed to solve with regards to filming we needed to make sure that we weren't casting any shadows on the green screen. To fix this problem we needed to pacific about where to put the lights to avoid errors. Finally we had some sort of idea of what we were doing when learning from our storyboards and mindmaps. 

Making of Foley Sound at Pinewood Studios

Foley is very creative. For an example they use armors of silver if there was a battle going on. They use a pillow case with corn to make it very shaky and corny with the corns in it this makes a good sound vibration. They have a copy of the scenes that have been filmed and then begin making the Foley sounds. They use a various people to record the sound in the recording studios. While in the recording studio some of the Foley artists have to get into the shoes of the action of what’s happening in the film. They make a storyboard to plan what to do next in order to make sure they have the right sounds, also make a list of annotations that could be added in order to make sure they are on the right scene and the right film. Further on the Foley artists have their own offices with a lot of costumes in there this is because sometimes they have to get into the costumes if they are asked to.


Our list of sounds we did?

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How I edited my voice recordings using Premiere Pro?

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  • I found out that it was very interesting when learning about the sound.

  • Portable sound equipment shoot on location easy in the 60s

  • 70s stereo recordings and layering became fashionable.

  •  Real life transport used for sound.

  • The sound are more forensic.

  • Sound effects our human cycling image.

  • Creating imaginative illusions.

  • Phone graph contributes to early sound in the 60s

Idea Storyboard for viral video


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Viral Video Script

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Mind map For Ideas

Problem Solving

Behind The Scenes

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