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Online Presence



We are being asked to research how interactivity is used as a promotional tool for creatives. This will include a study of social media for business and how you can use interactivity as a tool for promoting yourself.

Interactivity means getting involved into different media platforms such as computer gaming where you communicate online by talking to each other while playing the game.

Also Social Media is a key to this because people also communicate with each other using Instagram and Facebook and then become friends on there.


The Skills I will need to develop for this project is that I will need to show an effective and experience presence online by creating accounts on social Media such as Instagram or TikTok and then hopefully get some established customers as I become a freelancer.


The audience for my Wix is going to be a younger and adult years because there is going to be a lot of interactivity on the website with the audience getting involved with different multimedia platforms and also getting there voice heard of what they think of the website.


The audience research will be important to me because it gets me knowing who the audience is going to be and I need to know if they will be giving back critical feedback to me of what I have done throughout the project and beyond.


Finally the project has already started which today is the 23rd of November.

Project deadline is the 30th November so we don’t have a long but this is a small project to do.



An Effective Social Media Campaign

An effective social media campaign is when it promotes the product, builds brand awareness. It Creates a sense of community by spreading out a message and connecting people together.


For an examples hashtags are very effective because they start to become a campaign if they get lots of followers on the social media app they use. After this they then retweet if they are on Twitter and others on the same way. 


Some Effective Media campaigns have become famous such as BlackLivesMatter which was for the outrageous death of George Fllyod, KnowYourLemons which is for raising breast canacer awareness and the Lidle avacado campaign.


this predictied an outcome of events through the stone inside the avacado.


Plan For How To Use Interactivity

I am going to be using Instagram because it is more relevant to social media and has suitable photos and filter whereas Tick Tock I feel like is just rubbish because you just dance in front of your phone which is very strange.


I will add Instagram onto my wix as a reference of my own hashtags I'm going to be using on Instagram. People might want to have a look at my profile to see where I got the brand new features from and the Photos.


Further on when the people have looked at my Instagram profile they could give me critical feedback of what I could improve on Instagram and how I can do this by doing what next and how to solve the problem.


To get the feedback they could private message me and give me a heads up of what I could do next time and how I could make my Instagram account better and my Wix.


To Monetize the use of my social media would be that I would have to minimize the use of materials. This is because you would lose your money straight away before you even start the campaign.







Reflection Log


Today we started our new project which was online presence.

We learnt what interactivity is finding out why it is so important for media users to learn about this and how you can find out more about this. Finally we had to research an effective social media campaign and how it is effective. From this I thought it was very helpful.



Job Roles


Social Media Role Manager

  • Develops a clear creative media strategy and sets goals for your achievements.  Setting out for when you will reach your target and how you will achieve this in the end step by step and then taking it from there.


  • Managing your junior staff such as social media exertive and training staff and treating them fairly and with respect.


  • Further on you need to promote key relationships with very important social media users that will be relevant to the role that you will be doing. Also you need to make sure the tone of language you are putting on the important user’s page is correct.


  • You will need to educate other staff on the use of social media and promotes it use within the company other people.




Practical Skills


What is interactivity important?(Extended Task)

  • Interactivity is important because it's when you get involved in the video and do activity's

  • It feels like that you are part of the video or the story as you are taken into this brand new world with a character you love.

  • You have a bigger part to play. 

  • Your in control of the video. 

  • You must choose options of what is right and wrong where it is all up to you!

  • Decisions have to be made.

  • examples below of interactive experiences. 

  • You can solve problems

  • Creative


How I Made My Instagram account

We had to make an Instagram account today for our upcoming projects because we're going to use it quite often in lesson when learning different projects and analysing them. when we finished setting up the account we fellow students had to follow each other this is because we could share each others work and see what they look like. I feel like Instagram will be good for me because I will be posting a lot of media work photos showing what I have done when the days I had my lessons. Clearly it will show evidence of which work I have done so far and what I could do next. 
























  • Firstly I had to make an account by going to settings and clicking on new account.

  • Secondly I had to fill out details above especially having a link for my website link so people can access it.

  • Thirdly I then have to follow fellow students and media companies so they can recognise me.

  • Finally extra bonus I set up a twitter account. This was a similar process


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Further on as you can see on my Wix website I made anchors on top of the page to help you guide you round my website. I did this my clicking on the left hand corner by choosing on the menu search and type in anchor. After when I did this I clicked on one of the anchors which is very creative. To get more views on Instagram and Twitter I will need to make my post creative and maybe putting some strong hashtags on which is relevant on my current projects I am studying



Reflection Problem solving?

One of the original challenges when setting up my wix and my social media platforms were It was quite fiddley at times. This shows me that this is a new skill I learnt it was difficult when setting the anchors up because they went up all over the place. However I was able to solve the issue by making sure I got a tutorial right and asking a friend. Today I learnt how to set up anchors and accounts those accounts can be added to my Wix now.  It was all straight forward learning everything on the website. 

final Evaluation

In this project it was very quick and very easy to do. We had to do a lot of research on online presence I thought it was very useful because it showed me how to create my social media accounts and how important it is to put it on social media to present my work and promote myself. General feedback was very positive as people felt was easy to find, easy to navigate and it was very well organised as the organisation was outstanding regarding to structure. 


I have embodied links on my website they were easy to find and to click on the web link. The links were very decent to others as it was placed right The overall position was vey professional. 


However I could have made a couple of improvements on more research because I could have referred to more websites especially the image on top of the home page and keeping the face and text intact. 

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