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LOOK BOOK (Fashion Advert Project)


Context Section

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A major fashion brand in the UK wants to start a new advert campaign aiming at the ages of 16-20. You will be using Royalty Music for your music background. This project will require us to make our own Fashion Logbook. We will need to do research so we will work in a small team to do this which is easier for us so we can communicate good and realistic ideas which is appropriate for the advert. Further on when working in your team you will be planning the shoot, the plan for the logbook video which needs to be about 30-60 seconds long. The advert needs to be made in suitable versions for different media platforms. Finally the advert campaign wants you to invent a brand new logo and to use  a suitable urban font for this brand new name to be featured throughout the video. This project needs to be handed in on the 22nd of November 2020.


A Look Book is a collection of photographs combined together showing off a lot of models such as clothes, shoes and loads more it's mainly about showing people's style to clothes and how they approach it  when going for different  ideas for viewers.  This will help with our audience research because it is very important to make sure that we have got the right audience for the 16-20 years old because it is about them.


The skills that i will need to develop is my editing skills because  I could work on Photoshop. 




  •  Fashion is important to people because 

  • The Colors

  • The contrast and the composition.

  • Jewels and necklaces

  • And loads more


  • Locations

  • Alley ways

  • Streets

  • Trian station

  • Beach

  • Alley ways


  • The atmospheric lighting is there to help with the composition of the video such as

  • Multi – colors

  • Appropriate lighting

  • Focusing on the clothes or the shoes

  • Highlighting an effect

  • The picture.


  • The Media is used for Fashion advertising because

  • To help attract the audience to get into the advert.

  • Facebook, Instagram, Tick Tock

  • Advertising it on the television or catalogues.

  • Music Videos


  • Text – I could make it stand out well by making it bold

  • Different variety of colors for the logo

  • I could try and make a pattern with the background of how the picture of the video looks like and with the pattern with the style of the clothes.


  • Music

  • I could try and use jazzy music

  • It must be Royalty Free Music because this is what it says in the brief.

  • Pop

  • Mabel style or Craig David


  • Brands

  • Next

  • H&M

  • M&S

  • Topman

  • Monsoon





How is social media used to reach a teenage audience and to promote fashion?







Social media is used to reach a teenage audience by different adverts on social media such as music and fashion because you can look through their social media profiles accounts and photos about fashion up to date to the present day or the past. For an example an important shop and then you target a 70s jacket. This would apply to your audience is basically their own opinion on what they wear.

In the billboards they show different people wearing different style of clothing which is very trendy and cool. This is because e.g. girls wearing cool jackets and jewellery with their friends and boys wearing cool jeans. In comparison the billboards is mainly an advert company and some of the members of the public just walk past and try and copy the model clothes.

Explain the issues related to extreme thinness in fashion models. How does the media impact on these issues?

The media impact is that social media impacts the models because of the celebrity account on social media with loads of photos of her. However, the female agency urges the women to get very skinny and lose weight which I think is very sexist. Doctors also urge this because this is the law when in the fashion industry.



How the multi media platforms attract the audience

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Reflection Log 


Today I started my Fashion Look Book  on my wix website. It was digital Week so we had to work from home. I anylsed what this project was all about I communicated well with my friends online using teams.  Further on I also looked at more job roles in more depth. What could have been better is  we could have been shown examples of a lookbook and more fashion designs in more details. 
















Today I had a go at doing task 5 which was to do with researching our target audiences for our fashion log book this was because we needed to do some research of what are target audience is going to look like. Further on we also had to research on the audience using social media apps to communicate fashion ideas. 






Analysis of a range of fashion videos-pa
Analysis of a range of fashion videos-pa



At the weekend I got in touch with my new group of what we need to do next following this project. They said to me that you need to bring in sports gear because we are going to start filming the advert. Finally I did the online questioniare for. 


Today I met up with my group we started to film our shots of what we need for our look book.  We then got back to the class room and downloaded the footage from filming the shots and then we started the editing. I thought today went very well as we worked as a team and we treated each other fairly. However I felt like we should have not rush this we should have took our time while filming.

Online Questionaire

                                          Yes/No Answers Questionnaire


Would you open/click on a fashion advert or Look Book if a celebrity that you admired was involved?

                        Please highlight which you option you would choose



               Is the type of music used in a fashion look-book important to you?

                                               Please highlight your choice



                 Do you use Tik Tok as your preferred social media platform for fashion                                                            advertising/look books?

                                                     highlight your choice



 Do you think YouTube is a good alternative for uploading look book/fashion related content?

                           Please give your answer based on the choices below



                Do you use your preferred social media platforms on a regular basis? Free                        Time/College work (contact with teammates for project) etc.

                                                 Highlight either yes or no



Starting Questions

                                                       Why would you open/click on a fashion advert or Look Book?


I would open the fashion advert up on Instagram because it's trendy with the colours in the background of the video in a night club style setting background.  Also I like the way how the actors are dressed in a trendy way with the clothes and jackets. This is because the clothes are fashionable. Further on I also look at some YouTube adverts some of them are very silent to watch which is very strange but they do show a lot of composition within the actors. 

















What factors make a fashion advert appealing to you? It is a celebrity, the music, brand name/names or some personal identification with the models due to their background?


The factors that make a fashion advert appeal to me is the celebrity's. This is because there all smartly dressed and they show off there clothes. This is due to the fact they want people to look like them but in a different style there trying to give out a message to the people of the public in a fashionable way. Most celebrities  sit in chairs showing who's in charge.








What Platforms did you Use?

The Platforms I used to help me make my look book was Instagram. I did some research by looking at some useful adverts. This Helped me a lot because one of the adverts had a lot of colourful filters. Most of these adverts pop up every day when you log on Instagram attracting other social media users. Further on some YouTube adverts were very stylish and had a lot of composition within the models are contrasting with bright and dark. 

Rough Cut

First Version 

Final Version


Final Evaluation

In This project I thought it was brilliant.  This was because I enjoyed looking at interesting research designs  of Fashion Look books. This gave us clear Ideas of what our look book could be about related to people's trendy fashion to the present day.  Me and my group we did have discussions of what are look book could be about giving us a clear direction of what to do next for the planning. Further on I did enjoy filming scenes for the Look book because it was awesome and smashing and getting into costume of course. I did catch up with my reflections this time which I am all up to date now.


However if we were going to have to do this project again I would not like to do it on a sporty style topic of a Look book this is because I'm not really a sporty person and really the most style of wear that I'm interested in wearing casual suit jackets and waist coats. This is due to that celebrities wear it very similar to me when doing adverts which I would like to try and be a model maybe in the future. Again we could have had better time management when planning this fashion Look book project.  We could have had more time when filming with the greenscreen. Overall I would say this project was ok we could have looked at more examples of research of look book videos online on YouTube and Instagram because I think that Instagram is more creative than YouTube as well as it has loads of creative filters and effects. 



Extra Reflections

Today I managed to finish all of my reflections this morning. I then checked my look book videos making sure they are all correct and checking there is no errors. I am going to be ready for any feedback on my videos and spelling. I thought I did well today as I have checked my website to make sure there isn't any errors and making sure I am on the right track. However the project is due in tonight I would say the project could have been on a later date. 


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Shot List When Filming

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Behind The Scenes And Deleted Scenes

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