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Music Video Project

For this project we are making a music video. The aim of this project is to extend skills in pre-visualisation, shooting video and editing/compositing your final outcome. The music video should end up being 30 - 60 seconds long and the music video will be aimed at 16-20 years old. 

Context And Research

What general skills do you need?

  • Planning and organisational ability as a running whole set?

  • Write pitches

  • Create ideas from briefs

  • Awareness of camera technique angles  

  • Know Locations very well

  • Excellent communication skills.


What software/technology/technical skills do you need?

  • Overarching 

  • Specialist Program Knowledge such as i.e. Animation/AI Programs. 

  • Some Colour grading Knowledge

  • Photoshop


What does the job involve?

  • Storyboards

  • Mood boards

  • Lighting

  • Pre-production

  • Shot list


How can you work your way up in order to get this job?

  • Runners

  • Get first experience into some of areas

  • Move up to production assistant 

  • Learning all of the time

  • Taking show reels other company's. 

Evaluation of your existing skills for this type of job role

  • Cinematographer

  • Directed a video e.g. Viral Video

  • Networking skills

  • Editing in Premiere Pro and Photoshop

What Is Distinctive In The Imagery?

  • Powerful as it makes her look like a God

  • Artistic

  • Colourful  

  • Words flying out

  • Images move slowly

  • Telling a Story


What Does The Video Communicate about the singer/ society/ women

  • Women are all powerful 

  • Women are bullied

  • Women should be treated as a human

  • God is all powerful

  • Relating to Genesis The Creation Story

  • Sympathy to the victims of Manchester Arena Attack


How Do You Think It Was Made?


  • Graphic Editing software programs such as

  • Photoshop

  • Adobe After Effects

  • Premiere Pro

  • Adobe Animate

  • Green Screen

  • ​Stop Motion for some scenes ​


How Can You Use Compositing To Make Similar Effects For Your Own Ideas. 


  • I could use Adobe After Effects so I can edit my effects

  • Premiere Pro to get my clips in order

  • Adobe Audition to edit my music

What Is Distinctive In The Imagery?


  • Powerful

  • There is a hand drawn shot​

  • Racist

  • Explicit Language

  • Sexist 

  • Drugs 


​How Do You Think It Was Made?


  • ​Green screen

  • studio 

  • Animation 




How did Thao and the Get Down use zoom to make their video 





They might have made a zoom meeting and invited the band to join. They then play the music in the background. The participants might have turned their cameras off and appear in some sort of surprise. However they could have pre-recorded the clips and put them together at the end. 

How did Drake approach making his video?

Drake made his music video during lockdown in his gigantic Toronto home the size of a British museum. It was filmed in one whole shot in the house. In the house it shows all the awards he has won such as the Grammy's. He wanted to do this so fans can enjoy his music whilst being in Lockdown.


We then see drake in the hallway dancing to the music. The shot is a wide shot.

In this music video it is by the famous Peter Gabriel and he sings the song Sledgehammer. The music video is very interesting because it has a range of very quick shots of the picture of Gabriel as it starts with Normal and then changes to aniamtion which is very interesting and very clever. 


I liked these shots a lot because they are very creative as for an example the shot on the right shows the background and the face changing all the time throughout the music video but I do like the fire in the background then is face appears again and smashes into pieces of ice.  Further on the right left photo shows that we get a closer up of his face of him smiling and stars of happiness in the background. 

This music video is very unique and very colourful in a way. I like the way that the singer Mabel has put this in an entertaining way to get fans to enjoy. In the opening scene we see Mabel boyfriend knocking on the door seeing if she is in and then the song begins.


This music video is very unique and very colourful in a way. I like the way that the singer Mabel has put this in an entertaining way to get fans to enjoy. In the opening scene we see Mabel boyfriend knocking on the door seeing if she is in and then the song begins. I like the shot on the left getting a close up of the boyfriend on the phone. Further on I also like the shot on the right of Mabel and the dancers away from the camera as this is a wide shot from a distance. 

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Reflection Log


Today I started an exciting new project. This new project is all about making our own music video by ourselves or collaborate with a team so we have different choices. I did learn about how effects are powerful in music videos. 


Today we continued analyze music videos so we can understood more of how music videos work and function.  However didn't like some music videos because they were explicit and racisit. This was becuase it made me feel upset and showed me not use strong langauge in my  music video.

Today we met up again talking about how to use a greenscreen using Microsoft Teams and Zoom. It was very fascinating to learn this  new way because of lockdown still ongoing. However  I found it very easy because my cousin has done this sort of stuff before for his music career as a band manager. This is very helpful for me because if I have any questions I can ask him.



Today we met up again talking about how to use a greenscreen using Microsoft Teams and Zoom. It was very fascinating to learn this  new way because of lockdown still ongoing. However  I found it very easy because my cousin has done this sort of stuff before for his music career as a band manager. This is very helpful for me because if I have any questions I can ask him.


Today we started making our mood boards which was very interesting because this was another visual planning we did a bi different to a mind map mood board is basically a design of visual images which we could add to our music video. However I didn't want to do the mood board because I had more ideas on my mind map which was easier to understood.


Once again we met up again virtually on teams discussing of what the ideas we are going to have about making our music video which song we are going to pick and collaborate in teams. However we could have discussed more detail on our storyboards because I didn't understand much detail.

Today we started filming our music videos so we can get right into the edit after we have finished filming. Unfortunately due to lockdown as we couldn't get hold of the video cameras so we had to use zoom or Microsoft teams. I thought what went well was that I was learning new techniques such as online software which was Microsoft teams. for filming using my laptop and using a free green screen 



Today we were talking about how are editing for our music video has gone and how we can do some tidying up using some exciting video effects. What I thought which was interesting was we watched a demo of a groups music video rough cut I found it fascinating with the uses of effects used on premiere pro.  It would be better if we had a look at everyone's rough cut because it could show us all what can be improved and how we can watch tutorial videos.


Today we were talking about how we are doing with our edits so far . Some people in both media groups were showing off there music videos so far. I thought was really good about some was there were some scenes that went shot to shot and the transitions were just perfect for an example cross zoom of the musicans eye. 


Once again we met up on teams discussing a new objective today which is checking our checklist for stage 2 making sure that we have got every creative image or work which shows evidence of how we are doing on the course that we are up to date.




Production Schedule


Music Video Rough Cut

Final Music Video

Mood Board


Premiere Pro Process

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mabel 3.jpg

I liked bright and colorful album covers I think they are attractive and draws me to listen to the song. This inspired me to take my favorite songs and recreate there album covers, Making them more colorful and attractive in my opinion. I was influenced by my research into album covers and enjoyed looking at the difference between modern and classic album covers. For an example the first version of Fearless came out in 2008, so the art is very different to the new release and my one. This might be because there have been many changes and advances in Photoshops and media software programs since 2008.


The Taylor Swift Fearless cover was inspired by her new release of an old album, I thought it would be nice to add the picture from her old cover and put it next to the photo for her new remastered album.


For the Ed Sheeran Album I made the colour more exciting added a bunch of flowers to show what the song is about.


For the Bohemian rhapsody cover this was going to to be a sequel to the film.


The skills I developed during this activity include learning how to use the blending mode, perfecting my use of the eraser tool and learning how to add different layers and changing the filters on these layers.


I developed my ideas starting simple and getting more adventrous  when i started to create more album covers.  




I effectively managed my time to meet the deadlines of this project by following the step by step guidance and communicating with other students on my course regularly. I managed to complete all my work on time, meeting the set deadlines.  


I used my storyboard to me plan my music video, however because I am not great at drawing, I found it more helpful to plan from my mind map. The storyboard was helpful because it reminded me of the camera angles I wanted and the actions I wanted the signers to do.


My work fits the style of Somebody to love because of the lighting it has two male signers in the original music video. The part of the song that we chose to do was the introduction we chose this because the music only needed to be about 50 seconds. The introduction is my favourite part of the song.


The specified audience was people aged between 16-20 years old. I think this video is appropriate for this target audience and it shows how you can use technology like Microsoft Teams to create exciting videos even during a lockdown.


My video is not like Queens original video because theirs was filmed in a real music studio with loads of people and the musicians were allowed to interact with each other in person. Whereas my video was filmed over Microsoft teams using a webcam, Microphone, and a green screen, back in the day when the original was filmed it was filmed with real old film cameras including a record cassette.


I think I used my effects well because in the music video you can see Adam and I fade into the camera and appear on stage, like a cross zoom transition.  We used premier pro to help us do this, combining clips to make a video. I think my video shows the influence of key artists like LL, Mabel and Dua Lipa as well as Queen.


This is shown in my use of special effects and transitions of the background of the clips. Lyrical Lemonade used exciting cool shot by shot with the musicians appearing in  an animated way.



                                                      JAMES ENGLAND AND ADAM WEST


                                                       SOMEBODY TO LOVE BY QUEEN

                                                           DIRECTED AND PRODUCED 

                                                              BY JAMES ENGLAND

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