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The Film I have chosen is 1917 because It is such a great film to watch because its based on true events of what happened in the first world war in France 1917. You can visit the real battlefields in France to see how the writers and the directors were inspired by the locations and the nature of the film. I chose 1917 because it is emotional to watch, and it feels like you are in the actual film when you are in the trenches and on the battlefield I would say that the intended audience for the film 1917 is aged 15 and above, because it is about the first world war I think it would appeal to 15-year olds because they will have covered it in school. 


 There are lots of gory scenes in this film which I would say is unsuitable for young viewers. I also think 1917 would appeal to older viewers because many of them will be able to recall memories of the war. During The First World War which was the bloodiest of war for Britain.


The audience might want to learn about the war because their ancestors could have fought in the war and want to see what life was like in the trenches. The content of this film will attract viewers through its immersive and informative story line, revealing to them what life was really like in 1917 France.

The platforms that can access the film on is Amazon Prime, Sky Store, DVD and Blu-Ray. 1917 is advertised by a lot of posters, interviews, and trailers. The genre for the film is War/Drama because there is a lot of dramatic and violence of war in the film. 


I was thinking of maybe doing an audio drama WW1 spin off series different to this one but in the same place. This Audio series is going to be based on from the worlds of Doctor Who. It will be about this Galifrey soldier fighting in the time war against the daleks. On the Battlefield suddenly the Galifrey soldier suddenly teleports to Earth 1917 on another muddy battlefield but things are about to get much worse for the poor lad. Will the Soldier find a way to get back to Galifrey or is this his new life forever with the British Army on planet Earth fighting against the new enemy deadlier than the Daleks?





There are many different aesthetic conventions in making compelling images, such as:

Static/ in motion, this aesthetic convention in photography uses shutter speed to enable you to capture movements with different effects. Jordan Matter is an example of a motion photographer his specializes in dance photography. You could do something like this on an iPhone using live photo.

Another aesthetic convention is Leading Line, a technique involving a line that visually leads you into the image, a good example of a photographer who uses this technique is Lee Zuckerman as seen in this photo of a tree into the immersive river.


Rhythm in photos have repeating objects that provide a feeling of depth, an example of this could be the seats on an airplane. In this simple photo it creates the feeling of emptiness and depth in this empty hall by Ariana Brown and Sara Rush. If I was going to do this I would take a photo of an empty train or an empty hall.   

Another aesthetic convention which is my favourite Is Framing, this  involves shooting through something to get the main or additional subjects behind it, a good example of a photographer using this technique would be Darren Rowse because he has framed the picture in a unique way making you feel like your through the window.


Symmetrical Balance is where both sides of a photo are similar, like a mirror image. An example of a photographer who uses this technique is William Salazar because of his symmetrical balance on all equal sides of the photo.



Asymmetrical Balance on the other hand is where balance is created in the foreground, mid-ground and background but the objects are not similar in their shape or size, an example of a photographer who uses this is Leonardo Vapaera because of his marvellous positioning of the camera of how it is away from the sun.


The Rule of Thirds suggests that we are naturally drawn to a point two thirds up a page, sometimes photographers use the grid on their iPhone or camera to take a photo with this technique. Jimmy Chin uses this technique as can be seen in this photo.



Finally, Perspective is an aesthetic convention that suggests that things are smaller on camera when they are further away, an example of this is in Anders Jilden’s photo which makes the building look significantly smaller on the top compared to the bottom.


I look forward to being able to experiment with these different aesthetic conventions during my college course.

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Symmetrical Balance Definition:


It is when different equal weights are on equal side of composition

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Rhythm Definition:


The Rhythm is when e.g. the gate continues or the building's

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framing Definition:


The Framing refers to the technique of drawing focus to the subject in the photo. The camera also gets is positioned in a Picture frame style. 

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Perspective Definition:


The sense of depth or special relationship between different photos taken.  The Photos can change from a different perspective view of a building

Rule Of Thirds Definition:


It is a range of photos divided into three guidelines. Also applies to visual images and creative images. 

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Asymmetrical Balance Definition:

The Asymmetrical Balance is when unequal visual weight on each side of composition affects the balance of the picture. 

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Leading Line Definition:

This means framed images that have been positioned in an artistic creative way. 

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