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Mobile Phone Advert

Context Tasks:

What Is this Project About?

This Project was about making a Mobile Advert Project. This was for 16-20 Year old's. This was because a multi - national mobile phone manufacturer wants a marketing campaign for their new phone in a humorous way and stylish approach.

Also it was about working in a small team and doing our own edits and choose the right outcome.  We will use Royalty Free Music for our music background for the mobile phone advert.

Why We Use Mobile Phones (Mindmap)



Mobile Phone Advert Analysis

Tesco Advert Analysis

This shot shows us a really good view of the person in the photo because it gives us clear evidence that the guy is opening his brand-new phone from Tesco. The shot also gives us clear evidence of clear composition of the background. 

The next shot gives a symmetrical balance of the man looking at his phone smiling at the camera giving us an impression of the idea of the picture of showing physically what he is doing as he opens the present. 


 This shot also shows us that this is static in motion as the man is holding up his new iPhone showing physical hand movement and looking at it by trying to open the home screen and play around with it.  We now see in this shot the guy looking at his phone with his eyes and head as he is holding the phone with one hand. This is also asymmetrical balance to. This shot shows us that he’s looking inside the phone package seeing if there is anything else in the box. This gives us clear evidence that this is a different perspective. 


 These two shots use jump cuts because of the way the man pulls out items from the phone box. The first shot is extreme close and birds eye view. This shot is very interesting because it shows the man and his family looking at the food on the table this is a framing shot because it gives us evidence that the food are all squished together in the picture. 


.Lastly this shot shows us that the girl shuts the fridge door and then the picture fades out to black screen showing the Tesco Logo.

Identifying Media Roles(Mindmap)

The Uses And Gratifications Theory


                                                         IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS

                                                                          Doctor Who – The Waters of Mars (2009)














The Doctor – The Time Lord Victorious




I thought this Doctor Who Episode was very powerful because it showed us that in this episode the Doctor visited the first humans to visit mars in space. Further on in the episode they are under attack by some water creature monsters trying to destroy the base. The Doctor then decides to break the law of time to save the humans from nuclear destruction. Towards the ending we see that the humans are saved, and the Captain Adele Brooke decides to go against the Doctor as he breaks Brooke’s history. This is what the Doctor and Adele said which I thought was very powerful. “For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I’m not I’m the winner that’s who I am The Time Lord Victorious.” “And there’s no one to stop you”. “NO”. “This is wrong Doctor I don’t care who you are the Time Lord Victorious is wrong!”  This now scares the audience of what the Doctor has done!


This gives us a clear explanation that in real life when someone becomes victorious in any war, they think they have won but they haven’t they start to lead their own downfall leading to death and in the ending of this episode Adele Brooke then kills herself and restoring the timeline. The Doctor then realises that he has come too far and has done something wrong that he couldn’t save Brooke and now is Victorious and has done damage to the universe.















Due to the success of the Episode BBC Doctor Who have now come up with a brand-new multimedia Platform called Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious. This was because the audience would like to see a darker side of the Doctor showing him become the Time Lord Victorious trying to let things never die but it doesn’t turn out that way. Two Doctors must stop him before he does more damage to the universe. The multimedia platform includes BBC Books, Big Finish (Audios), Eaglemoss Figures, Titan Comics, Immersive Theatre, Doctor Who Magazine, Penguin Random House and BBC Audios, Maze Theory and Animation.


I found this video very useful because it gave me all of some details I needed to know about the Uses and Gratifications theory. 


Script And Storyboard For Mobile Phone Advert

Mobile Phone Advert Storyboard (2).jpg

                                            MOBILE PHONE ADVERT  




                                                  JAMES ENGLAND




A guy in a waist coat and bow tie infiltrates a room. He then goes in the room and sees a shiny item near the desk. And he approaches the phone and sees the old computer to.  



                                                         Did you find the prize! 


                                                          Hold on a sec! 

                                                             RADIO FIZZES  

                             The guy looks at the Phone and accidentally touches it.  



                                                        OH BUGGER! 

The guy then sees a torch light shone by a security guard. 

                                                          Security Guard

                                                             OI STOP! 

The good guy runs off out of the scene.  


                                           Introducing the new iPhone XD 

Using Research To Help Your Ideas

Research method/ tool you used 

What are you 


Explain what you found out. 

How can this info help your ideas? 

Ie internet research to investigate job roles  


Ie I’m investigating what skills a video editor needs, in order to get a job in post-production 

Ie I found out that a video editor needs an excellent grasp of Premiere and camera use.  

Ie I decided to learn about transitions and colour enhancement tools in Premiere, to give me a good grounding basic editing tool 

Ie following YouTube tutorials on editing in Premiere 

I investigated how to try and learn how to make transitions throughout video cuts. 

I found out that it was very easy to do because you can add effects to the transition.  

Transitions can be helpful for future advert projects and short films.  

Ie Questionnaire and discussion with audience 

Opinion and what they think of the advert and then discussion.  

There can be a diverse audience when watching the advert. The audience did like my advert.  

This can help my ideas because it can show me of what appropriate age my audience should be.  

Ie Research using books? Magazines? 

I’m investigating this because it can be very useful for research for my advert.  

They can be very useful because it can show you step guide to make a good advert.  

The book info can help my ideas because you can brainstorm great ideas and make sure they are ok.  

Ie Audience feedback? 

Ie to get feedback 

The audience feedback was very good I thought because it gave me feedback on how can improve the next steps of my work.  



Production And Practical Skills

Technique Used

Why were you using the technique? What were you aiming to do?  

Describe the best way to use the technique: 

Peer feedback  


Ie Storyboard  

I was using this technique to help plot my ideas of my advert which was very helpful.   

Drawing the action scenes of how my advert was going to look like. 

I would say that it helps visualize what to do to plot my advert. 

Ie Camera Operation 

We were using this technique because to help us film our advert with our film camera.  

It was a good technique for the filming.  

We framed the camera to high as we filmed a lot of the ceiling. 


Ie sound recording  

I was aiming to record the actor’s footsteps and sound effects of an alarm tone.  

This was very useful because we could get better sound effects from a recorder.  

I felt that the Foley sounds could have been louder.  


Ie editing in Premiere pro 

This was good because Premiere Pro was used for editing our advert.  

The best technique in Premiere Pro was the transitions because they were very exciting.  

I thought the cuts was all right and the music was relevant. 

Reflection Log


Today we had a go at using the green screen in the lecture theatre. We learnt all of the features that are used for the lighting and the camera. After this I and Dan had to finish off the planning for our mobile phone advert by drawing storyboards of what our final idea would look like. After this we then went in the lecture theatre and started filming our mobile phone advert in a spy style short advert. The actors had to be in the green screen so we can get our effects for the background when editing the short advert on the computer using premiere pro. What I thought went well was that I thought it was exciting when using green screen as me and my partner treated each other fairly. However I thought we could have had more people which could have been an advantage and a better result.  


Today we learnt how to edit our Mobile Phone advert using premiere pro which was very good because you get to learn brand new transitions for different scenes that me and my friend filmed when in our small group. Also we did different edits together we both looked at each others work to review it and see what we personally thought about it and how we can improve it by adding some cool effects. What I thought today that was good that we got to be creative and using our wonderful ideas. However what I thought we could have done better is that I noticed that there were some errors with a few scenes that the college ceiling kept showing up all the time. It was very hard to edit out using the green screen. 


Today I did my Rough Cut. This was important because a Rough cut is when you are half way though the edit and show your peer what you've done  so far and what you need to do next.  My peer was happy with the plot which was really good I thought however he didn't like the way how I positioned the Characters. This indicates that there could be some more work to do. What I thought about today which was good that I had constructed feedback on my rough cut and criticism of how my advert so far looks. However to make it better I could make it more funnier because I felt like it was just like a normal spy plot. 


Today we did the final preparations for finishing and tidying our mobile phone advert. To do this we had to go into Premiere Pro and export it as MP4 due to the video quality. It only took me five minutes for exporting it which isn’t that long at all. Before I exported my film I did a quick rough cut of my film by doing half of the advert only just for my rough cut because this would give a clear view from the audience to look at to see what the mobile phone advert is about. I thought that exporting the advert was very easy and I understood well how to do it.  However next time I could try and make my advert better quality with better sound effects and Foley sounds they weren’t loud enough.  




 I think many things were successful  with this project for example it was fun working in a team. We learnt how to use a green screen which was really good,  I also learnt a lot a getting visual ideas from adverts online and on the television. I now look out for certain features such as the plot, the target audience which is to do with the range of the peoples ages with the advert such as the 16-20 year old's. Further on I learnt more about compositional shots in filming such as the birds eye angle, I used this  for an important scene in my advert. I found it very interesting when looking up how reliant we are on Mobile phones and any other phone compared to previous generations, who find it very strange that we can do it on little computers in a pocket and carry it everywhere.  Me and my partner did a lot of acting in the advert as we kept jumping on to scene to scene we both got to film to but did the editing separately.

If I were to do this project again, I would like to manage my time better. I also think I should maybe add some more detail to my story boards in the future, I would like to try and create a storyboard on photoshop next time. We had a few issues with the quality of our green screen photos, in some of the images, the background did not show fully, but we will make sure this does not happen next time. Next time I create an advert, I would like to add some more humor and try and make it funny rather than serious.  This is because it is on a funnier age range.  Overall I could make the scenery better or background e.g.  it could be a Comedy science Fiction advert if I approach this project again in the near future.  I could also add next time some more Independent Study because I felt like I could add more info to it and do better.  I could have made a timetable myself for my plan of what to do next by step by step. 






Final Evaluation

My Rough Cut

My First Version

Final Version 

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