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                                                                 DIGITAL JORNALISM INTRODUCTION


For this project I am going to be doing Digital Journalism and photography. Also, I will be understanding how to make magazine with my articles I am going to write. Further on I will have a go at making a double page spread by analysing some examples off the internet and take the right photos for what I want for my magazine for my front cover, back cover and my double page spread interview.














I am interested in the magazine spread on Doctor Who because it is very cool and stands out well.

The composition in this shots show that Matt Smith (The Doctor) AND Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald) are unbalanced as this shows that they are in the frame with the Dalek and The Cyberman behind them showing there is danger.

The use of colour is very Dark showing that the actors are showing danger and excitement as this show is a mystery show fighting monsters from space and also this could be showing a very dark atmosphere focussing on the actors showing is there a plot twist in the end of the series?

The text at the top is blue showing the Colours of the Doctor’s ship The Tardis. Meanwhile there is less info text because the double page spread is mainly focussing on the actors and the monsters which are in the picture.

In the Photo, the pose is heroic because it shows the Doctor is a hero and everyone in the world loves the character and maybe the actors like doing that pose because it is comfortable with them and very stylish.

Further on the Photo design shows small patterns because the magazine is trying to focus on the story of the picture as it looks stunning. However at the top of the picture there is a big pattern showing the title of the article.

The fonts used are Ariel because it stands out well. I think the magazine sets the tone of excitement for the audience to read and get into the habit of looking at the pictures and feeling joy in themselves by recognising the characters from the TV show.

This article relates to the SCI-FI show Doctor Who because it has the Tardis, Dalek and Cyberman and the Character the Doctor shows that the actor Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor to lead the show into a worldwide phenomenal hit around the world which still runs today on television.






















I am interested in this magazine spread because this is about the film Doctor Strange about to premiere in the cinemas worldwide and it also talks about the future of Marvel which could be hinting at something to do with the franchise.

The composition in this double page spread of the picture of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) shows that the character is framed showing that it focuses on the eyes of the character.

The text is arranged into two different articles onto two separate pages as they are standalone so that the reader can know which article to read first.

 The titles are to encourage the audience to read the two articles and give their own opinion on what they think of the article and the photo.

The photo uses a huge pattern with the photo of the actor eyes focusing on the photo but not really the text because it hasn’t got much detail but only has a small pattern of words. The words are black for the title of the article.

The Fonts used are Ariel Black for the type faces.

The design of the article and how it is relevant to Marvel because it has a preview of the film Doctor Strange starring Benedict Cumberbatch and it has the future of Marvel which is very interesting.









This involves when you research different articles by different topic and also it is when you keep up with the news my showing evidence of a written article which you have just witnessed or told by a reporter. Further on the witness might have seen the scene.​


The Skills You Will Need 

  • Researching contextual articles.​

  • Full English Vocabulary â€‹

  • Full article publications. â€‹

  • Interviewing â€‹

  • Work in Teams


This can be when this involves editing digital images on the internet and for an example editing the images with the software apps such as Photoshop, gimp and Microsoft paint. â€‹


The Skills You Will Need

  • Artistic â€‹

  • Cropping â€‹

  • Resizing​

  • Curves and levels​​



Cover newsworthy events on Television that is happening in the present day or the last 24 hours. Further on it’s when you investigate and pitch new story ideas that are currently happening around the world. 


The Skills You Will Need

  • Knowledge of media production and technology. â€‹

  • Pay attention to detail of any report that comes in from any media platform. â€‹

  • Knowledge of English language​

  • Excellent communication skills. 

                   Research: Compare research skills, tools, methods and sources for investigating journalism.

Google search/websites on job roles​


Reliable sources that can read and understand with some good contextual knowledge such as Wikipedia which has loads of information for the subject or topic you are looking for. â€‹


some sources can be unreliable because they can be false and re not true. Also there may be no written evidence in articles that could have misled job roles. 



Tutorials can be very helpful because they show a step by step guide to the feature or the cropping you are trying to do.​


However they can be hard to follow because the tutorial is very quick, and you may not be able to follow quickly. Annoying narration. 



This shows that you can learn in full depth by written articles or reviews by some members of the audience of what they thought of the source of the magazine or the book. â€‹


Some questionnaires cannot be accurate because some of them might have been fake due to being on different misinformation of an audience member.



They can be very helpful because it shows information of important text to look out for when looking at a review or a preview of a picture or a prologue of a book. 


There can be an error because the book or the magazine might have been written to late and something went wrong in the last minute. Once again, already information that was needed. â€‹



It can be accurate in good information because the audience member or the audience themselves left comments on social media or on a website. 


Some can be false because some audience members could have put controversial comments on feedback and development. â€‹

                                                         CHUCK ANDERSON (THE LAST DANCE)

















Chuck Anderson uses photography creatively to celebrate the documentary series “The Last Dance” which aired in March 2020, the docuseries celebrates Michael Jordan and his team Chicago Bulls and their success in basketball.  Chuck Anderson uses colour as a focus point, in the first picture everything is black and white other than the picture of Michael Jordan shooting his ball, this makes him stand out compared to the rest. In the second photo, it looks like Anderson has turned the pictures of the team playing individually into a heart shape, reinforcing the idea that they are a strong team. Again, the background is black, and the basketball players are shown in colour. 

Anderson has used perfect composition in both pictures, arranging the different images and colours to complement each-other, showing how well they work as a team together.  

Anderson represents a racially diverse society in a way that focuses on celebrating their achievements rather than their skin colour.  Andersons photography features lots of action shots of the Chicago bulls playing basketball, he has made sure they are in focus and are not blurry.  Chuck Anderson styles his work in a brilliant way, it is smart, and his use of contrasting colours is very eye-catching. His photos are edited in a way that makes them look drawn perfectly.  In my own work I will try and do something similar like playing actions shots and make the background which is very colourful and show comparison between the players in each shot. 

                                                                     My Magazine Layout





the low down.jpg

Interview(By Collaborations with me and Ruby)

James’s first got into Music because he liked the Beat and the Singing. 

Going to BBC orchestra was this Most Memorable Moment Because They Played a Lot of Doctor Who music which was “Dramatic” and “Beautiful”. Other Music he likes is Classical, Pop songs makes him want to get up and move. A particular Doctor who song Vale Decam song which is in Latin which translates into English to Goodbye ten also another adventure song he like’s is this is Gallifrey, because it’s you into the habit of the series and you get to explore new elements or Musical tunes.  

He listens to Mabel, because her Music is Emotional, Imaginative, and Immersive. He Also listens to the Script he likes the Beats of the music, He also like’s take that, it’s calm and emotional, His Favourite Mable song is “Don’t Call me up” Because He feels like that was based on a true story between Mabel and Her Boyfriend. He also Listen’s to Little Mix because they are very powerful, funky and heart breaking. His favourite little mix song is He also Listen’s to Coldplay as they make Dreams come true for some people. He also likes Queen Because It’s very cool and full of Rock. His Favourite member of the band is the one and only Freddie Mercury Because He is Inspirational and Amazing.   

He wouldn’t Mind going to concerts like the brit awards or Wembley.  

Yes, it helps him “Get back up” He listens to music while doing homework, when he is on his own in his Home and it makes him feel comfortable and relaxed and it makes you Dance  

The Musician’s Influence Him to sing to Stand Up against any injustice moments that Goes on in life and it makes him feel Happy instead of Sadness 

He says he could get into more pop by expanding who He listens to. However, some different Artists are quite controversial such as Queen and Stormzy Especially when the death of George Floyd Happened in America, which caused Outcry in the world of protests.  

He does feel like some Music make’s people better by trying to get their emotions better. By Meeting the And Forming an Emotional Connect with the Music/Artist 

He did play the Guitar Once and he regrets giving it up, He also feels the same with Singing, He would like to try once more again and shine on the stage so Fans could see him.  





What did you do? What went well? â€‹

How can it be improved?​



We did an induction to the course and then we took our photos. â€‹

We could have spent the time wiser with an appropriate schedule. â€‹



On Tuesday we edited our photos on Photoshop by adding interesting elements to our photos. â€‹

Me and my peer could have sat together to discuss which photos we like best due to social distancing we couldn’t sadly.​


I worked from home today and tried to  communicate with peers and did the following tasks the chuck Anderson work and magazine analysis. â€‹

I could have tried to ask my peers for help but due to communication problems I could not. Next time I could try and do a private teams meeting so we can work together. â€‹



N/A â€‹










I had ago at planning my magazine by drawing out the layout of what my magazine we look like at each page. â€‹

Next time I could try using the Adobe software app InDesign to lay out what  I want to do. â€‹


We had another go at taking more photos for our magazines. It was my turn to have a go on the camera and taking photos of my partner. â€‹

It would have been nice to have more time to take the photos and experiment but because we were on a tight schedule that day it wasn't possible. â€‹


To understand Digital Journalism we had to research job roles relating to the subject on the internet. When looking on the internet there was lots of information on the Government website about a step by step guide of how to get the job you are looking for and how you can achieve it.


After this we then had to look at a range of double page spreads and analyze them to help us what a double page spread looks like and where to put the interview. However, some websites weren’t that reliable such as Wikipedia because it can be edited by anyone, however, gave me tiny information that was helpful. I thought when using Photoshop it was very fun because I got to use a lot of creative elements such as cropping and painting digitally. I did learn some new tactics in Pho


I did watch some of the Photoshop tutorials on YouTube which was very helpful because it showed me what to do next and helped me create my magazine cover and back cover using creative and influential colors. Before we did Photoshop, we had to be in small groups to take a range of photos for my magazine. When using the cameras, we had to take in turns due to COVID 19 restrictions.


What I thought was good about this project was that we got to use Photoshop again which was exciting I did loads of research which was very interesting seeing what the future could be like for me when getting a job. It would have been better if we had more time to do this project due to social distancing it literally all changed sadly.


We could have dealt with the time management differently because nearly all of us had to rush this project and move on to the next one. Overall, I do feel like this is the right course for me at the moment.  

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