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Podcast Project 


How Are Podcasts Made?

Podcasts are made digitally using a range of different media software for broadcasting on different media some can be live and some can be previous recordings made a while ago or in the present day. To begin a podcast you need to decide which topic you are going to do the podcast and then you have to plan what you and your peers are going to discuss. Further on You need to make sure you have got the right equipment such as a microphone and headphones so you can listen to the voice and the people in the podcast. Time management is essential for planning to because no one will no what time the podcast will be on!

Footage Of The senate attack?

For this project I am being asked to work into  small teams to make a 60 second teaser of a podcast of a topic we like and what interests me a lot. Further on we then have to record some interviews during the podcast to get a reaction of what the guests think of the topic. I have to come up with five questions for the guests to answer some of them may be controversial.











CNN footage 

  • ​ American network

  • The reporting is very dramatic

  • shouting

  • screaming



The Telegraph footage 

  • ​ filmed By one of the Protests 

  • Gun shot is heard

  • Distant shouting and immers

  • people describing the scene



The Sun footage 

  • Two interviews at the scene are being heard

  • Over crowded with loads of protesters 

  • Lot's of flags

  • The Atmosphere is very Worrying

BBC NEWS footage 

  • ​British Network

  • ​More information of the attack ​

  • More Interviews

  • Eye witness accounts





I find this podcast on BBC Sounds very interesting because It is all about the awful and scary attack on the American Senate in Washington DC. At the start of the podcast Emily and John play sound footage of the attackers shouting, screaming. The Hosts then tell how shocked they are to see these happen in the world's richest country in the world. Further on in the podcast they then introduce the guests who are American and some of them eyes witness what had happened when they saw a woman getting shot for crossing over the red line and sadly a police officer who died by getting crushed by a door. This Podcast is mainly for adults because there is some strong language as well as the hosts discuss distressing scenes. Most of the protests were shouting "USA, USA USA!!" There are more sounds in the podcast because there is gunfire and you can hear the protesters screaming and the police officers shouting "GET BACK GET BACK!



This podcast is very effective because UP FIRST gives us  loads of information of what happened in the attack with society divided at the moment since the recent election result. Once again there is loads of sound in the background of the podcast of the Trump supporters shouting and the atmosphere is very scary for the correspondents when reporting this current attack. From learning from this podcasts I can pick up some interesting sounds I can put it into my podcast and talk bou the.

Questions for my podcast?

Were the Police to blame?

Was Trump to Blame?

Does it relate to any past events in history?

Are the people Nazis or Terrorist?

Was this planned from the start?

Podcast Plan

Reflection Log



Today we started a new project which was very interesting because this was about doing a podcast which I am interested in a lot. I thought what went well was we were given a presentation on how to do the podcast. 


Today we began starting the tasks on the podcast project we had to do some research of what our topic is going to be to get an idea of some examples of podcasts. However I could have looked into more detail of why Podcasts are effective. 


Today I was looking at my five questions trying to think are they controversial and how are they very effective at spreading out a message of hope. I could have done not controversial questions. 


Today I was finalising my mind map before doing the recordings making sure that I have got the right I ideas down for my own Podcast. However what I could  have done better is finish off my mind map at the weekend and could have done the recording today which would have ,made things easier. 


​I have almost finished the editing of my podcast. I am going to put it together tonight which the podcast will be five minutes. This is because it’s a short podcast and it doesn’t have to be long at all. I had to work at college because I have got some poor connection at home due to everyone using the internet the same time as me.  However I did worry about the time management of my making of my podcast as I was busy with other projects.


I finally finished this project I would say it was hard and exciting because I got to learn how to make a podcast. I put loads of information on the final evaluation of what was good and what could have been better.

Final Evalauation

This podcast project was very interesting because we got to make our own podcast based on a topic, we into a lot this can be politics, sport and loads more. I think I dealt with finding the music and Foley sounds quite easy because I found some very useful sources online which helped me with my Foley sounds as for an example I used some shouting sounds as this was serious topic I was dealing with. I did plan this podcast project well because I did a mind map of a list of ideas I could do in my podcast and how am I going to make my podcast with two people or just one. I thought the editing was my favorite because I used some exiting new programs such as Adobe Audition to edit my sounds and music this is because it was much easier than premiere pro as it is not effective enough. I have been going to college regularly now which is easier because of my mum and dad as key workers and I have more access to the computers which is much quicker than my laptop. In order to do the project differently I would have done an audio drama which is better than a podcast as it is quicker to make. I feel like making a podcast was quite hard.

Attack On Democracy Podcast

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